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Cyber ​​Medicine with innovative design and using high technical knowledge as the first manufacturer of pulley belts in Iran, has designed the first spinomed pulley belt for the treatment and rehabilitation of osteoporosis. This medical belt has various features. Due to the fact that osteoporosis is more common in the elderly, the spinach spool belt with a simple and light design easily helps the patient in the treatment process. Use shoulder straps Polymer back pad designed in the form of a spine In addition to the use of a pulley belt that supports the breaker and the sides well The spin-belt pulley has become one of the best medical belts in the treatment of osteoporosis. The materials used in this medical belt are completely anti-allergic and approved by specialist doctors. The use of breathable cloth reduces sweating in the patient. Also, the presence of the spine in the structure of the belt allows a person to wear it under clothing without worrying about seeing his medical belt! Spinomed spool belts are available in different sizes. The belt can be adjusted according to the specific conditions of each person.
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